
Grow My Cleaning Company's Podcast

Do less and grow FAST. Mike shares the secrets to building a million dollar cleaning company without being a slave to your business.
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Grow My Cleaning Company's Podcast












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Now displaying: 2021
Dec 31, 2021

Happy New Years Cleaning Nation!  Today, we have Bobby Woods who started his cleaning company Tiger Cleaning in March 2016 in Memphis Tennessee. After buying into a cleaning franchise, Bobby would like to move into bidding on more government contracts and wants to get Mike’s advice on the best way to go about that. Listen in to learn the pros and cons of government contracts, how to bid on them, and how to get in the right mindset to choose the right niche.

5:51 Every Cleaning Niche Has its Strengths and Weaknesses 

16:30 The Government’s Biggest Pain is that You Meet Their Required Standards for Cleaning 

23:18 Choose Your Niche Based on Your Strengths, Not Where You Are Most Comfortable

Want to know more about these tools and what you can do to get out of your own way and improve your mindset? Go to to listen to our FREE webinar or and book a call with one of our coaches. They will get you set up with all the tools, systems, and more to build the business you’ve always wanted.

Dec 29, 2021

Welcome to the podcast today cleaning nation! Today, we have our wonderful advisor/mindset ninja here to tell us about three mindset hacks we can adopt in the new year (or any other time of the year) that will help us take our business to the next level. These things may not always be easy to implement, but they are simple and effective. Listen in to learn what changes you could be making to get some great forward momentum now. 

  • 1:19 Take More Decisive Action- NOW
  • 8:23 Ask Better Questions of Yourself 
  • 15:47 Bring a New Version of Yourself if You Want Different Results

Want to know more about these tools and what you can do to get out of your own way and improve your mindset? Go to to listen to our FREE webinar or and book a call with one of our coaches. They will get you set up with all the tools, systems, and more to build the business you’ve always wanted.

Dec 27, 2021

Welcome to the podcast cleaning nation! Today, we have our in-house marketing extraordinaire Jered Robinson doing a special podcast all about how to stand out in a sea of marketers. Back when online marketing was new, it was very easy to find results with minimal effort. Now, the market is absolutely saturated with ads every time they turn on their computer. Today, Jered is going to talk about how to stand out when there is so much competition in a way that will get you results!

  • 2:45 The 3 P’s of Marketing
  • 6:14 How do we figure out the three P’s 
  • 12:42 Creating A Brand Out of Understanding Your Audience

Want to know more about these tools and what you can do to get out of your own way and improve your mindset? Go to to listen to our FREE webinar or and book a call with one of our coaches. They will get you set up with all the tools, systems, and more to build the business you’ve always wanted.

Dec 24, 2021

Hello Cleaning Nation! Today on the podcast, Mike and Tracey are going to talk about the power of recurring contracts. Though we don’t often think about it in these terms, recurring contracts are the real money makers of our business. They are the things that give us some stability rather than constantly hustling for new clients week in and week out. Not only that, but if you are eventually interested in selling your company, recurrent contracts that you can pass over to the buyer will add a lot of value to the overall evaluation of your company. We have Tracey on the podcast with Mike to talk specifically about the mindset around moving confidently into more recurring contracts which can be applied to anything in your business you know needs to happen right now that you’re putting off. Come learn why not taking that leap is holding you back. 

  • 6:04 Your Monkey Brain Tries to Keep You Small
  • 16:59 Make Incremental Changes
  • 24:19 Take This Time to Make Some Goals For Changes in the New Year 

Want to know more about these tools and what you can do to get out of your own way and improve your mindset? Go to to listen to our FREE webinar or and book a call with one of our coaches. They will get you set up with all the tools, systems, and more to build the business you’ve always wanted.

Dec 22, 2021

Hi Cleaning Nation! Welcome to the podcast. Today, we have John Torres, owner of Clean Club which he started in 2018. He was an elite member of ours and is here today to chat with us about where his business has gone since he worked with us. John became a commercial cleaner after a failed dream of being a real estate investor. During that experience, he became acquainted with someone who had a contract doing commercial cleaning and saw the potential there. He took over the contract and started hustling for business. Shortly after, he became a client of ours. Now, he’s ready to hire a full fledged sales team to help continue to build his company and wants to get Mike’s advice on how best to approach that. Listen in as Mike shares what has worked for him and his clients in the past, and how it could work for you.

  • 10:01 Don’t Hire One Person for the Whole Sales Cycle
  • 14:28 Any High End Client Should be Bid By You
  • 18:38 Hire People to do Jobs for You, But Still Know What’s Going On in Your Company 

Want to know more about these tools and what you can do to get out of your own way and improve your mindset? Go to to listen to our FREE webinar or and book a call with one of our coaches. They will get you set up with all the tools, systems, and more to build the business you’ve always wanted.

Dec 20, 2021

Hi Cleaning Nation! Today on the podcast, we have our amazing Clean Profit Method members Brandi and Kevin Portie with us. Kevin was cleaning for a cleaning company when the owner approached him with the opportunity to buy the business from her back in 2019. At the time, Brandi was working as a teacher so really uninvolved in the business until recently. They took it over and started to make some changes to really make it run smoothly. But it wasn’t easy. They had some hiccups along the way and learned some systems and processes that were key to turning things around. Listen in as they chat with Mike about the pivotal changes that needed to happen to make the business their own and allow them to grow. 


  • 8:54 You Are the Mindset of The People You Surround Yourself With 
  • 16:29 Setting a Date of When You’ll Be Out of Cleaning Can Be Powerful
  • 23:34 The Best Way to Learn How to Run a Business is to Run One 

Want to know more about these tools and what you can do to get out of your own way and improve your mindset? Go to to listen to our FREE webinar or and book a call with one of our coaches. They will get you set up with all the tools, systems, and more to build the business you’ve always wanted.

Dec 17, 2021

Hi Cleaning Nation! Welcome to the podcast! Today, we have our inhouse mindset Jedi Tracey Thompson here to talk to us about a really common problem we see with our clients. So often, it is the goal to get out of cleaning. They want to hire others to clean so that they can run the business as a CEO. But when things get crazy, they think they have no other option other than to go back into the field. We are here today to make sure that doesn’t ever have to happen again. Listen in to learn how to get out of cleaning once and for all!

  • 4:10 First, You Have To Decide
  • 8:07 Some Ideas For Alternative Plans
  • 13:24 Hierarchy of Business Value Roles

Want to know more about these tools and what you can do to get out of your own way and improve your mindset? Go to to listen to our FREE webinar or and book a call with one of our coaches. They will get you set up with all the tools, systems, and more to build the business you’ve always wanted.

Dec 15, 2021

Welcome to the podcast cleaning nation! Today, we have one of our favorite cleaning couples, the Thaemerts with us. They have been with us for awhile now and it has been so great to watch their growth as they’ve implemented our systems and processes into their business. This year, things have changed a lot for them as they decided to take a leap and expand their business into Montana from Colorado. They decided to do a crappy 1.0 version of their business and learned so much by taking that risk. Listen in as Mike chats with them about what has worked, what hasn’t and what they’ve learned along the way. 

  • 9:46 Something Had to Give
  • 13:33 The Transition Out of Cleaning
  • 20:22 Gaining Confidence Through Having Courage


Want to know more about these tools and what you can do to get out of your own way and improve your mindset? Go to to listen to our FREE webinar or and book a call with one of our coaches. They will get you set up with all the tools, systems, and more to build the business you’ve always wanted.


Dec 13, 2021

Hi Cleaning Nation. Today on the podcast, Mike chats with Tawanna Lowry who started her cleaning service in April of this year. After being behind the scenes in many other cleaning companies, she decided to be the face of one. No matter where you are in your business, this podcast is going to be a valuable one for you. Tawanna chose to be vulnerable and honest about her real fears, and through that Mike was able to coach her through her worst case scenarios. It is an extremely valuable skill we can all use to elevate ourselves. 

  • 2:07 First, Ask Yourself What is The Pain You Are Trying to Fix
  • 5:52 Getting Vulnerable and Honest Will Get Your There Much Faster
  • 11:38 What’s the Worst Case Scenario if You Fail?
  • 17:54 What if You Couldn’t Fail?

Want to know more about these tools and what you can do to get out of your own way and improve your mindset? Go to to listen to our FREE webinar or and book a call with one of our coaches. They will get you set up with all the tools, systems, and more to build the business you’ve always wanted.

Dec 10, 2021

Welcome Clean Nation! Today on the podcast Mike talks to our in house mindset ninja Tracey Thompson about something that comes up often when coaching our clients. Or more specifically, when we talk to people about coming into our program. They have discovered that those who are willing to make the decisions necessary for growth TODAY see exponentially more growth than those who don’t. Those who hum and ha and want to look at the decision from 74 different angles stay in their todays forever, because tomorrow never comes. Come learn why this is such an important concept for someone like you who is really looking to grow! 

  • 3:24 Tomorrow Will Never Come
  • 5:37 It Isn’t Deciding That Feels Bad, It’s Deciding Whether to Decide That Feels Bad
  • 13:55 Until You Make An Unshakable Decision, No Systems Or Process Can Help
  • 22:17 Take Action Today 

Want to know more about these tools and what you can do to get out of your own way and improve your mindset? Go to to listen to our FREE webinar or and book a call with one of our coaches. They will get you set up with all the tools, systems, and more to build the business you’ve always wanted.

Dec 9, 2021

Hey Cleaning Nation! Today on the podcast, we have our own in house marketing wizard Jackson. This guy knows his stuff when it comes to paid traffic and is really involved in helping our clients with theirs. Because Jackson spends so much time with our clients, he will often get asked the same question or a version of the same question over and over again. So today, we are having Jackson answer some of his FAQ right here on the podcast to give you all a leg up on what so many people who come to us want to know. Listen in as he tells you some nuggets he’s learned over years of helping our own clients. 

  • 2:07 Zoom Out When It Comes to Data 
  • 11:47 Focus on One Thing at a Time
  • 15:52 Be Ok With Crappy Version 1.0

Want to know more about these tools and what you can do to get out of your own way and improve your mindset? Go to to listen to our FREE webinar or and book a call with one of our coaches. They will get you set up with all the tools, systems, and more to build the business you’ve always wanted.

Dec 6, 2021

Hi cleaning nation! Today on the podcast, we have Mike with Lewis Vega of DMS Pro Cleaning Services in July of 2019. He fell into cleaning when things were pretty rough with his previous job. He quickly learned that if you have a knack for business, you can be successful as a cleaner without the costly bills of higher education. Though his Frisco, Texas business is now thriving, he is ready to get out of cleaning but telling himself a story that is disempowering and unproductive. Listen in as he and Mike chat about how to tell stories that affect real, empowering change in your life and how the energy from that place is one that will motivate you to get to where you want to go.  

  • 9:27 You Control Your Schedule Not the Other Way Around
  • 12:05 The Story You Tell Yourself Matters
  • 16:03 To Get Leverage Over a Story You’re Telling Yourself, First Neutralize it 
  • 20:53 Once the Story is Neutral, You Can Take it To the Other End of the Spectrum

Want to know more about these tools and what you can do to get out of your own way and improve your mindset? Go to to listen to our FREE webinar or and book a call with one of our coaches. They will get you set up with all the tools, systems, and more to build the business you’ve always wanted.

Dec 3, 2021

Welcome, Cleaning Nation! Today on the podcast, we have Lindsay Bjorklund, our client happiness manager, and our in-house team member who is our mindset Jedi, Yoda- all things star wars. However you want to say it, she is amazing and she is here today to talk about how to deal with partnership drama. Whether you run your business with your spouse, a friend, or a colleague, you are bound to have issues come up from time to time. Listen in to here the best way to handle these issues when they come up, and how to come out with a relationship still intact. 

  • 4:03 What Do You Do When You Can’t Come to an Agreement?
  • 9:21 Lack of Communication in the Name of Preserving Relationships
  • 13:47 With Whom Can You Trust to Discuss Issues?

Want to know more about these tools and what you can do to get out of your own way and improve your mindset? Go to to listen to our FREE webinar or and book a call with one of our coaches. They will get you set up with all the tools, systems, and more to build the business you’ve always wanted.

Dec 1, 2021

Welcome, Cleaning Nation! Today, we have one of our favorite humans on the podcast, Nina Buris. Nina is one of our next-level members now, but she’s been in the game a LONG time. She started A Diamond in the Rough Cleaning back in 2001. She has been through lots of ups and downs but has continued to expand and change to keep up with the times- something she considered one of the most important things a business owner can do to continue to grow. Listen in today as she and Mike discuss her journey to get out of cleaning, the struggles, and lessons learned. This podcast is so relatable! 

  • 2:52 A Lesson to Learn in How Nina Found Us
  • 7:21 How Long it Takes to Get Out of Cleaning is Up to You
  • 10:29  Plan for A, B, C, D and Z If You Want to Be Done Cleaning
  • 23:27 Focusing on Being the Best Cleaning Company Will Get You Farther

Want to know more about these tools and what you can do to get out of your own way and improve your mindset? Go to to listen to our FREE webinar or and book a call with one of our coaches. They will get you set up with all the tools, systems, and more to build the business you’ve always wanted.

Nov 29, 2021

Hello Cleaning Nation! Today on the podcast, we have our mindset ninja Tracey talking to our in house marketing expert Jered Robinson. Jered works in our marketing but also with our clients in their marketing and today, he is here to talk about some of the biggest marketing myths, why they don’t work, and what you can do instead. Don’t miss this episode. There is something in here for everyone no matter where you are in your business growth journey! 

  • 1:52 Myth #1: Hiring Someone WIll Solve all Your Problems 
  • 3:27 Myth #2: You Should be Marketing to Everyone 
  • 8:07 Myth #3 Good Marketing Means Telling People Why Your Business is Amazing 
  • 12:44 Myth #4 “Professional” Marketing is in Vogue 
  • 20:14 Myth #5: Put a “Free Quote” at the Top of Your Website

Want to know more about these tools and what you can do to get out of your own way and improve your mindset? Go to to listen to our FREE webinar or and book a call with one of our coaches. They will get you set up with all the tools, systems, and more to build the business you’ve always wanted.

Nov 26, 2021

Hi Cleaning Nation, today we have Mike talking to Kristen Dvorak of Three G’s Cleaning. She started her business in 2016 in Eldridge, Iowa.Today she’s on the show to get coaching about whether or not it would be a good business move to have an investor come and invest in her business. Listen in as Mike coaches her on the pros and cons of taking on an investor and how she can best make that decision for herself and her business.

  • 5:46 The First Step is Understanding What You Want for Your Business 
  • 8:58 Quantify That By Deciding How Much Money You Want to Make a Month
  • 15:12 Cleaning Companies Aren’t Capital Intensive 

Want to know more about these tools and what you can do to get out of your own way and improve your mindset? Go to to listen to our FREE webinar or and book a call with one of our coaches. They will get you set up with all the tools, systems, and more to build the business you’ve always wanted. 


Nov 24, 2021

Hi Cleaning Nation and happy Thanksgiving!  This week, at least in the U.S., we celebrate Thanksgiving. And the reason behind the holiday has gotten a little convoluted over the years, but for our purpose today, we want to-and always do every year- do an special ‘giving thanks’ episode to thank you our community for making all that we do possible as well as speak to the importance of giving thanks along the way in your own journey. Join Mike and Natalie as they talk about why this is such an important process in the growth of your business.

  • 3:02 Give Thanks Along the Way 
  • 5:36 Don’t Forget Where the Business Goes in Terms of Priority
  • 10:16 At the End of All of It, What Are We Willing to Sacrifice
  • 14:20 Lowering Our Happiness Quota Allows for More Happiness

Want to know more about these tools and what you can do to get out of your own way and improve your mindset? Go to to listen to our FREE webinar or and book a call with one of our coaches. They will get you set up with all the tools, systems, and more to build the business you’ve always wanted. 


Nov 22, 2021

Hi Clean Nation! Today on the podcast, Tracey Thompson is talking to Katie Be, owner of Apple Pie Maids. A residential cleaning company Katie started in 2011 in Tallahassee, Florida. Katie started with us back in February and it has been amazing to see her change and grow through this process. She was doing well when she came to us, making good revenue and running a solid business, but she knew there was more to learn and she was ready to take her business to the next level. Listen in and she and Tracey talk about what she’s taken out of being a member of our program, how it has changed and transformed her business, and where she is now. This podcast today is a great reminder that even if your business is profitable and doing well, there is still always room to take it even further, make more money and make your life easier.

  • 2:10 Getting Clean on P&L- Profit and Loss
  • 8:17 Stepping Away from the “Lone Wolf Mentality”
  • 11:47 What Core Values Can Mean for Your Company
  • 16:42 You Don’t Have to Be in the Field to Own a Successful Cleaning Company

Want to know more about these tools and what you can do to get out of your own way and improve your mindset? Go to to listen to our FREE webinar or and book a call with one of our coaches. They will get you set up with all the tools, systems, and more to build the business you’ve always wanted. 

Nov 19, 2021

Welcome to the podcast Cleaning Nation! Today, we have Deanna Jennings of “Totally Clean”. Deanna started her company in January of 2019. Deanna wants coaching on how she can hire employees that have longevity and do as good of a job cleaning as she does. She worries they aren’t being properly trained because she herself is so busy cleaning. Listen in as Mike gives some sage advice on how to get out of our own way and trust that others can add just as much if not more valuable to the company we are building.  

  • 4:10 You Aren’t The Only Magical Cleaning Unicorn
  • 8:03 Enter Mindset 
  • 8:43 Know What They Want so They Don’t Have to, Then GIve it to Them
  • 11:28 Frame Stepping Out of Cleaning as a Win-Win for Everyone 

Want to know more about these tools and what you can do to get out of your own way and improve your mindset? Go to to listen to our FREE webinar or and book a call with one of our coaches. They will get you set up with all the tools, systems, and more to build the business you’ve always wanted.

Nov 17, 2021

Hi Cleaning Nation! Today on the podcast, we have Mike and Brenda Mcdonald who started Lasting Impressions Cleaning in 2018. Brenda has done a great job at keeping business throughout the pandemic with referrals and staying in contact with her clients. Her current issue, like so many others, is the ability to find and hire employees who are reliable, stay, and are a good fit. Listen in as Mike offers his best advice as to what to do in this scenario.

  • 1:49 Get Your Mind Clear First 
  • 6:37 Core Values Above All
  • 13:30 Keeping Your Core Values Concise

Want to know more about these tools and what you can do to get out of your own way and improve your mindset? Go to to listen to our FREE webinar or and book a call with one of our coaches. They will get you set up with all the tools, systems, and more to build the business you’ve always wanted. 

Nov 15, 2021

Hi Cleaning Nation! Welcome to the podcast! Today, our wonderful mindset coach Tracey Thompson is chatting with Kayla Irby. Kayla is really special because she started her cleaning company Bright Maids in 2012 when she was only 16 years old! She started it as a little side job when she was still in high school and loved it so much that she kept going after she graduated and has built it over the past 10 years. Her motto for her company is “Taking the stress out of homes and keeping them healthy” which is so great. Listen as she and Tracey chat about her journey to get to where she is today, what she’s learned, and what advice she has for others following in her footsteps. 

  • 2:53 A Mindset Shift She Didn’t Know She Needed  
  • 6:34 A Positive Work Culture Can Make All the Difference  
  • 12:27 Value Your Employees Above Everything Else
  • 19:39 One Myth in the Cleaning Industry

Want to know more about these tools and what you can do to get out of your own way and improve your mindset? Go to to listen to our FREE webinar or and book a call with one of our coaches. They will get you set up with all the tools, systems, and more to build the business you’ve always wanted.

Nov 12, 2021

Welcome to the podcast Cleaning Nation! Today, we have Susan Graham who started cleaning homes in Zionsville, Indiana back in 2018 after losing a corporate job. After looking for a job for a few months, she started cleaning and loved the flexibility so much she never looked back. Now she’s grown her business to the point where she only works part-time, has a handful of employees, and is looking to get better at bidding correctly for clients and wondering how best to get those systems in place Listen in as Mike drops lots of nuggets of wisdom along the way.

  • 3:29 Creating an Easy Barrier for Potential Clients
  • 6:27 Speaking to the Client’s Pain
  • 10:40 Approach Your Client without Judgement or Shame

Want to know more about these tools and what you can do to get out of your own way and improve your mindset? Go to to listen to our FREE webinar or and book a call with one of our coaches. They will get you set up with all the tools, systems, and more to build the business you’ve always wanted.

Nov 10, 2021

Welcome to the podcast Clean Nation! Today on the podcast we have a total rockstar. Renee Kraus started Renee’s Cleaning Service in 2013. She has been with us for over a year and has experienced explosive growth during this time. Listen to learn what paradigm shift she learned that helped her get out of cleaning, become a business owner, create the culture she wanted and DOUBLE her revenue in the process!  

  • 2:24 What Needed to Change
  • 8:03 Shifting Your Identity
  • 14:31 With the Identify Shift Comes Growth 
  • 20:24 Biggest Piece of Advice from Renee

Want to know more about these tools and what you can do to get out of your own way and improve your mindset? Go to to listen to our FREE webinar or and book a call with one of our coaches. They will get you set up with all the tools, systems, and more to build the business you’ve always wanted.

Nov 8, 2021

Welcome to the podcast Cleaning Nation! Today on the podcast we have a special treat. No guests, just Mike, one on one talking to you about what he thinks is the single biggest indicator of success. Experience and years of coaching have taught Mike that it doesn’t matter how everything else is going. If a business owner doesn’t have the right mindset that allows them to make clear decisions from the right perspective, their business will never do as well as it could. On the other hand, even if you’re starting from the bottom, the right mindset will get you farther than almost anything else in terms of being able to climb that latter to where you want to be. Today Mike explains how that’s the case and why this is such an essential concept for you as a business owner to understand. 

  • 4:37 What You Focus on Grows 
  • 5:24 An Amazing Story to Illustrate This Concept
  • 9:41 Covid 
  • 13:54 The Stories We Tell Ourselves

Want to know more about these tools and what you can do to get out of your own way and improve your mindset? Go to to listen to our FREE webinar or and book a call with one of our coaches. They will get you set up with all the tools, systems, and more to build the business you’ve always wanted.

Nov 5, 2021

What’s up Cleaning Nation! Today on the podcast, we have Lindsay talking John Gluck of Generation Commercial Cleaning Company. John is looking for tips and tricks on starting a podcast of his own. Listen in as Lindsay coaches him on making this vision a reality, and learn why starting a podcast just might be a good business move for you too. 

  • 3:31 Why Create a Podcast as an Owner of a Cleaning Company 
  • 8:04 Niching Your Podcast
  • 11:40 More Tips for Starting a Podcast -

Want to know more about these tools and what you can do to get out of your own way and improve your mindset? Go to to listen to our FREE webinar or and book a call with one of our coaches. They will get you set up with all the tools, systems, and more to build the business you’ve always wanted.

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