
Grow My Cleaning Company's Podcast

Do less and grow FAST. Mike shares the secrets to building a million dollar cleaning company without being a slave to your business.
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Grow My Cleaning Company's Podcast












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Now displaying: January, 2016
Jan 29, 2016

Have you ever wanted to know how Pay Per Click (PPC) works with your janitorial marketing plan? Today is your lucky day as host Mike Campion dive’s into marketing your janitorial company using PPC with guest expert Ed Stapleton from Clicks Geek.


We talk about the eight hundred pound gorilla in the PPC world as well as what other pay to play platforms are out there.


Tune in and learn why Pay Per Click ads are so much MORE valuable than other forms of advertising and why customer intent is so important.


BONUS LOVIN: Find out why Facebook advertising is cheaper but lower quality than Google?


Discover what interruption marketing and direct response marketing mean to your cleaning business and which one you should avoid and why.


We talk about typical mistakes owners of cleaning companies make in their pay per click marketing and how you can avoid them as well as how to determine a budget for your janitorial PPC marketing.


Listen in on expert secrets to PPC marketing and how to use negative keywords to save you money as well as how crucial a well written ad is to get people to click. We dive into janitorial marketing concepts that work online as well as offline and with paid as well as organic traffic.


Learn why working with an expert can help you get the MOST out of your paid traffic marketing budget for your cleaning or janitorial company.


KNOW how to peek into your prospects mind and understand what their pain points are and how to speak their language- how to jump into the conversation that is already going on in their head.


RESOURCE ALERT: Subscribe to our podcast for FREE at:


Before the show ends we talk about the ONE THING you MUST do to make your pay per click campaigns successful.


Here are some gems for a brand new adwords person:

  • go to a blog page to learn how to set it up
  • set up the account
  • Tell adwords how much you want to spend per day
  • Then title your account
  • select your geographic area


One of the biggest mistake people make with google adwords is not having a landing page - don’t send traffic to your home page- this causes leakage. Send paid traffic to a specific page with an offer or a call to action and not give them the opportunity to look around and lose interest

  • Be specific on your landing page, if you are advertizing to a specific prospect, don’t mention any other services they want on the landing page for that ad
  • Message to market match is huge


Another key is to make sure you have a good sales process in place to work with your ppc lead acquisition


We also talk about the fact that you might not be paying for ppc but your competitors are. From a marketing standpoint there isn’t a better customer that just typed in looking for your service in your area. When you choose not to participate in that, you are handicapping yourself.


Ed ends with an unbelievably good offer that you can get here:


For more in depht janitorial marketing genius- check out this episode:


Show us some love and get all of the good stuff on YouTube by subscribing here:


While you are at it, jump into our private Facebook group exclusively for owners of cleaning companies:


Follow us 144 characters at a time on Twitter-


And for all things cleaning check back early and often to our homepage

DON’T Miss out on Ed’s AMAZING offer of a FREE account audit for current PPC users or a FREE consult for people who want to start using Pay Per Click

Jan 27, 2016

Building a Cleaning Business

Why is it so important to know your numbers when building a cleaning business

Do you know the difference in cleaning companies with the first couple employees, the first ten staff and how things change at every level? Are you struggling with building a cleaning business?

BONUS LOVIN: You can sneak by not really knowing your business in the 0-10 employees, but it is HARD to grow after that without SYSTEMS!

Here are a few of the key numbers you NEED to know to run your cleaning business

  • What does it cost to acquire a new customer
  • What is the monthly value of an average customer
  • What is the lifetime value of and average customer
  • What is your gross margin per customer

You can't grow without knowing your numbers. In fact, major purchases and hiring decisions should only be based on your numbers, NEVER your gut feeling. 

You have to understand how one customer works and makes money before you can grow and scale. 

Your foundation and practices need to be  solid before you build. Understand how you make money and if you are profitable at every level

3 things every business has to manage well:

  • Get customers
  • Provide your service (or product)
  • Account for it all

When it comes to providing your service and sometimes even accounting, most business owners realize the need for a system, but they DON’T have a system for Attracting Clients!

Make a system for both your sales and marketing efforts to build your cleaning business.

Problems with salespeople in a small can be overcome with systems saving you time and headache.

Systems can crank out leads every month and you can set them up in such a way to know how many of those leads will turn into bids and sales. 

BONUS LOVE: Automation and systems can make up for an average or even sub par salesperson

The foundation under your systems is mission, vision, values and your core values are foundational to building a cleaning business. 

There is nothing harder than instilling core values in someone who doesn’t share those same beliefs

Learn more about hiring the RIGHT people to build your cleaning business here:

Here are some other great ways to connect with us and all sorts of resources to Grow YOUR Cleaning Company:

Subsciribe to us for free on YouTube

Join our amazing Facebook Group FULL of owners of cleaning companies from all over the world

Check out our website where we give away way too many FREE resources to build your cleaning business

Subscribe to our podcast on iTunes

We release new shows every Monday, Wednesday and Friday and they are 20 minute bursts of cleaning company growing dynamite!

And of course, you can always follow us on Twitter

Jan 25, 2016

Mike Shares his thoughts on the question of whether or not to hire from within or outside your cleaning company


BONUS INFO: There are actually a couple exceptions to the rule read on to discover.

Core Values are the essential to your company and how to integrate them into your hiring process ESPECIALLY when it comes to hiring supervisors and managers. 

Not only it is important that all the front line employees share your core values, but It is CRITICAL that all your supervisors share your core values as well.

BONUS LOVIN: Systems are crucial to getting the right people on your team

Here are some truth bombs on how to promote from within and why you should NOT hire for skill!!

Here is a quick overview of this episode:

  • Your best supervisors aren't necessarily going to be from your best employees
  • Hire for attitude, shared core values and the right energy 

Just when you think you've heard everything there is to hear, Mike dives into the magic of systems and how an average person with a strong set of systems behind them can be very successful. 

Adding daily Checklists to your cleaning company hiring, can allow crucial information to flow from front line employees to supervisors to you as the owner.  

BONUS LOVIN: Checklists can be used when it comes time to fire, give pay raises or promote

Here are a few more pieces of wisdom:

  • Give 10 compliments and encouragements before you give a correction (HINT: This works in your personal life as well)
  • When you do give corrections- only give one at a time
  • How and when to do employee reviews

If you don’t use the checklists your create, your supervisors definitely aren’t and your employees don't stand a chance at using them. 

Remember, your best supervisors are only going to do 80% of what you do and the employees under them are only going to do 80% of what the supervisor does- you must always be the shining example!

Lightning Round Genius:

  • Long term planning is most important
  • Don't wait until you’ve sold your company to have that long term mindset 
  • Honesty, integrity & follow up 
  • Do what you say you are going to do

RESOURCE ALERT- The Peter Principle by Laurence J. Peter and Raymond Hull

Our website- is chock full of videos, an ebook,  FREE webinar, blogs, podcasts, everything you NEED to grow YOUR cleaning company!

When you are done there subcribe to our YouTube channel

For even more cleaning company growth join the Grow My Cleaning Company Facebook Group (it’s free) 

Still want more? Follow us on twitter

You can also find us on iTunes at

and if you love the show, do us a solid and Subscribe rate and review!

That said, the conversation isn’t complete without YOU! So ask a question, leave your advice and share the love!

We did another podcast on cleaning business hiring that pairs quite nicely with this podcast- check it out now

Jan 22, 2016

Today we discuss janitorial hiring on the Grow My Cleaning Company Podcast with Cathy Patterson from Allied Cleaning Service. After we get to know Cathy a little, we talk about janitorial hiring, firing and everything in between.


BONUS- Want to know how to price cleaning jobs? Check out this free podcast-


Have you ever dealt with the last minute no show, or even worse, the dreaded “no call, no show” cleaning employee? Of course you have- well today is your lucky day as we dive in and talk about how to deal with that exact problem. Listen in and discover:


  • Why you have to set the stage from the start
  • Why trying to deal with the problem when they call in is already way too late
  • How advertising affects no show rate
  • Why your Core Values have EVERYTHING to do with employees showing up
  • The difference between trying to change your employees and building on what they already have
  • How just giving employees money ISN’T enough anymore
  • Why consistency is key
  • Just how important/ difficult employee hiring and turnover is in the cleaning industry


We talk about communicating a zero tolerance policy on no call, no show right from the beginning- advertising for help all the way through terminating an employee. We also go over how handling a single no call no show wrong can pollute your entire team.


BONUS: Interviewing employees is a PROCESS, not an event


It can be tempting to look the other way or “deal with it later” when an employee misses a shift, but that screams chaos and lack of leadership to the entire team and bad habits spread like a cancer. Handle this wrong and you will soon find the inmates running the asylum!


SUM IT UP: You must have a ZERO tolerance policy- No call, no show- NO JOB!!

Before the party ends, Mike shares in hundreds of employees over a couple of decades, he has NEVER fired someone and thought “I should have waited” and in almost every case he immediately knew he should have done it sooner. Hire SLOW and fire QUICKLY. You can’t wait when it comes to firing problem employees. The time between when you know in your head and heart they have to go and when you actually part ways is some of the most expensive time you will have in your cleaning company.


Cathy shares some of her experience in the Lightening Round


  • Never cheat, never take shortcuts and always deliver on time
  • Never hire employees without a background check
  • Stay on top of things, check on your people, make sure your work is complete
  • Go above and beyond always


If this gets your motor running, you are going to LOVE our website with EVERY blog, video, ebook, webinar and podcast- everything YOU need to grow YOUR cleaning company!


If you are pickin up what we are laying down- Subscribe to our YouTube channel here:


If you really want to be a part of the “cool kids” club- join us in our FREE Facebook group-  If so, we would love to have you as a part of our FREE Facebook Group-

Jan 20, 2016

Today you can listen and learn as Mike talks with Thabs Lekota and Tamara Roberts from Maid on the Move all the way from South Africa about pricing cleaning jobs.


You can find out everything about Thabs, Tamara and Maid on the Move at:


The key to pricing cleaning jobs and getting out of the low bid rat race is to stop competing with every other cleaning company for a very small amount of bidders. Even better- discover how to the be ONLY bidder in the conversation. When there’s too much competition your prospects are almost always going to go for the lowest price. Combat this by communicating with prospects before they start asking for bids and educating prospects on how your services solve their specific pain.


BONUS- If you aren’t the cheapest you might as well be the most expensive


When pricing cleaning jobs, you must leave yourself enough margin to educate your prospects on your value instead of just trying to be the cheapest.

Mike drops a bunch of wisdom including:


  • Using a USP
  • Finding specific customers with specific pain that you can fix
  • How to get the conversation focus off price and onto value
  • All leads/ customers are NOT created equal
  • If you don’t have a relationship they are going to go with the cheapest vendor
  • It is easy to price properly when you have enough bids
  • Don't do small frequent price raises - raise prices less often by bigger margins


Thabs and Tamara share some good stuff in the lightening round including:


  • Don’t be afraid to approach your clients, do what you have to do
  • You can’t run your business from a fear based position
  • Make sure you invest in marketing


If you like numbers, check out this podcast:


To get the full scoop on accounting, CPA’s and bookkeeping for your cleaning company!


That is an overview of just SOME of the great things we cover today, so tune in and don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel so you don’t miss anything.


Want more engagement? Join our Facebook Group at:


You can also keep tabs on the latest and greatest by folllowing us on Twitter-


If you haven’t already, Subscribe Rate and Review the Grow My Cleaning Company podcast at:

For everything else cleaning go to our main website at

Jan 18, 2016

Today Mike talks with Jolene Vossen from Clean 4 You in Wichita Kansas. You can find out more about Jolene and her team at:


Mike coaches Jolene on the super important topic of how to handle accounting for your cleaning company, the differences between accountants and  bookkeepers and when to hire who.


The foundation of this episode is the understanding that you MUST know your numbers to be able to run your cleaning company and you must track well before you can know those numbers.


The three main things that need to happen in your cleaning business are:


  • Tracking info
  • Reporting info
  • Making good data based decisions with that info
  • And our least favorite… figuring out and paying the right amount of taxes


Jan 15, 2016

Cleaning Company Hiring

Cleaning company hiring can be a challenge . In a business with a higher than average employee turnover, knowing how to find and keep the best employees is crucial.

  If you want to grow your cleaning business and have employees that you LOVE, you are in the right place! Listen in as Mike Campion from Grow My Cleaning Company chats with Marsha Hays from Clear View Janitorial:

and discover how she grew from her husband running a small window cleaning to a fully diversified janitorial, duct, carpets and more cleaning company with 14 employees. 

Marsha realized that her cleaning company hiring and employee turnover is one of the biggest costs to her company and called Mike for help. We figure out:

  • How can you legally ask employees if they are physically able to do the work?
  • How to make sure the people you hire are the best for your company?
  • It is possible to stemm high employee turnover?

We all know that employee turnover is difficult in business, but it can go to a whole new level of awful in the cleaning business!  Listen in and find out how to improve your cleaning company hiring and cut that employee turnover drastically. 

Enjoy Mike rocking topics like:

  • Where to find your BEST employee prospects
  • The cheapest easiest ways to find the GOOD employees
  • Company culture and Core Values
  • How being clear with your Core Values can make your employees love you and your life happy
  • Why the hiring ads you are writing now probably don’t work and what to do about it

The key to the whole operation is KNOWING what your ideal employee looks like and what type of employee’s typically DON’T work out. When you know where your good employees hang out, you can advertise in the RIGHT place, with the RIGHT message to only the BEST people!

BONUS: Rookie cleaners use but when you start hiring more and more, you are going to want to use something like

How different do you think your message will be if you are looking for a hispanic single mom vs. a caucasian college student? Do you think they will look for jobs in different places?

We also talk about best practices in the hiring process and how you can benefit from the Three By Three rule of hiring and how to “try before you buy” when it comes to employees. To unlock success in your cleaning business, when it comes to employees- HAVE A SYSTEM!

If you want MORE genius on employee hiring, check out this deep dive blog:

Join our private Facebook Group for owners of cleaning companies and find out how they deal with employee issues:

Of course you can always follow us on Twitter and get genius throughout your day at

Want to quit screwing around and go right to the motherload of cleaning company growing genius? Check out  For EVERYTHING you need to Grow YOUR cleaning company

If you want to learn how to grow on the go- take Mike with you by subscribing to our FREE podcast at:

Jan 13, 2016

Today we talk with John Griffin from Basic Green Cleaning Service about how to make a cleaning business plan. John started his company out of desperation in a down economy when he couldn't even get a job bussing tables. Not only that, John fell ill and had to take 3 years off from his business but has come back stronger than ever ready for a cleaning business plan.


When John came back from his illness he saw more clearly than ever the need for systems and ways to get more customers for his cleaning company. If you want a full break down of how to get customers for your janitorial or maid service check out this free resource:


John talks about constantly learning, growing and investing in himself, (a key trait almost all business owners share) and how he uses books to learn from people that have gotten the results he wants to get and reveals a gem of a book- The  E-Myth by Michael Gerber. Get your copy here:

that brings us to what it looks like to run your business like you are going to sell it and how to keep in mind that every day you run your business YOU are the one buying it- you might as well invest in something that runs well and makes a bunch of money!


Discover how systems can allow average people to perform far above average and flat out get rid of bad employees. This creates a whole new level of freedom for YOU the owner of your cleaning business.


Mike also shares the two HUGE secrets that allowed him to sell his last two businesses for 7 figures each along with the difference between working in your business and working ON your business. As well as the importance of recognizing when you are doing ten dollar per hour tasks, one hundred dollar per hour tasks and one thousand dollar per hour tasks as well as how crazy it is to think that you can consistently do ten to twenty dollar per hour tasks and somehow make a hundred thousand dollars per year!


Before you get too bummed out, Mike shares how to win back those wasted ten dollar hours (like cleaning and paying bills) and turn them into hundred or thousand dollar hours.


You will also hear how important a cleaning business plan is to identify when you are working on the important but not urgent, urgent but not important and your worst enemy- not urgent and not important. This leads to the concept of budgeting your time just like you budget your money and a reminder that you can always make more money, but once you spend your time, it is spent forever.


Remember, your job as the owner is to cast a vision, build systems and make sure the company is creating the result in your life, your customer’s lives and your employees lives- not to be cleaning toilets!


Mike encourages John that systems take time and they aren’t going to be perfect right off the bat. Listen in and discover how to create a cleaning business plan for the THREE main areas that EVERY business has and how to start with the low hanging fruit. Things that you can change with the least amount of time and headache that will get you the MOST results.


Just when you think you have gotten all the cleaning business lovin there is to get, Mike jumps into how to create a system for making systems! How to identify the problem, get employees on board, implement and continue to revise and test until your company is running like a top!


After that you get a freebee on the best way for an employee to learn anything and how to set your employees up for success.


Ok, now that you have what you need to be a cleaning business rock star, keep growing by subscribing to our podcast at:


Remember how we talked about top business owners always learning, growing and investing in themselves? Well here is your chance- and it is FREE! Join our Facebook Group for owners of cleaning companies at:


and while you are at it, subscribe to our YouTube channel here:

so you don’t miss a thing!

Finally, the home of all things great is where Mike brings ALL of the cleaning company growth secrets and shortcuts

Jan 11, 2016

Cleaning advertising ideas from Mike Campion to a 20 year veteran cleaning company owner.

Alfred Oliveras from Northwest Janitorial talk cleaning advertising ideas and share the ups and downs of 20 years of experience running a cleaning business...

  • Grow your cleaning business without a bunch of money
  • Grow your cleaning business with NO money
  • Exactly how to figure a marketing and advertising budget for your cleaning company

If you are like many of the business owners I coach, you have spent money on marketing to build your cleaning business and either got very little or nothing at all in return.  Don't be fooled into thinking that means you can't afford to market your cleaning business or that advertising doesn't work at all.

If you really think about it, you will probably realize you do have the resources to market your cleaning company, you just don't have enough to waste money on things that don't work!

It costs way too much to attempt to market to every Tom Dick & Harry and we share the secret to actually get results from your marketing budget. Who to market to, what to say, where to advertise. Discover how you can have less marketing failures by making sure you speak to  your ideal customer with their ideal message and then track your results!

Feel like you have zero dollars to invest in your company? That's ok, we talk about how to grow with no marketing budget. We also discuss the fact that there is no such thing as a free lunch or free business growth. If you don't have money to put in, you will need to invest your time. 

We dive into how and why you want to build relationships (and with who), why creativity is so important and how to do it, what sort of accounts to throw your precious time and hard earned money at and more.

While we are at it here is an awesome resource from with a TON of creative cleaning advertising ideas:  CLICK HERE

We keep the party rolling and talk about how to know what your customers pain and pleasure is (HINT: they are business owners just like you) along with the idea of budgeting your time just like you (should be) budgeting your dollars. 

We lay out a simple formula...

  • Figure out exactly who your ideal prospect is 
  • Budget recurring weekly time in your calendar to connect with them
  • Come up with a super creative plan to be best friends forever with them

But wait... there's more!! Sorry... couldn't help myself... We talk about the best FREE way in the known universe to get a wall of top shelf prospects calling you every stinking month! Testimonials- referrals- references- it's a cleaning business marketing idea fiesta!!

Come for the cleaning advertising ideas and stay for my charming personality!!

Still can't get enough? Wanna be best friends for life? Subscribe to our podcast at:

You can also join the conversation with Mike and a bunch of other owners of cleaning companies at:

Love the show? Hook us up and do yourself a favor buy subscribing to our channel so you don't miss a moment!

And of course- don't miss the main event-

Share YOUR cleaning advertising ideas with us now!

Jan 8, 2016

How to Market a Cleaning Company

How to market a cleaning company. Hard question. Simple answer.

What do cleaning companies do when disaster strikes? Jeff Norris of Simply Clean Janitorial has been in business since 1999.  After Hurricane Katrina, Jeff simplified his business to survive and rebuild.

Today, Jeff and Mike discuss how to market a cleaning company. Listen in and discover how you can KNOW which marketing options are best for your cleaning business. We cover some frequently asked questions about how to market a cleaning company :

  • Is SEO right for your cleaning company?
  • Should you market online or offline?
  • What message should you have on your marketing?
  • How to find out where your customers are?
  • What is the minimum online presence standard?

Mike coaches Jeff on how owners of cleaning companies can get the information they need to best attract ideal customers to their business, and reveals a super secret "ninja" trick to find out what your customers want and where they go to get it.

We also cover how to:

  • Identify wrong customers for your business
  • Disqualify them before wasting a bunch of time
  • Position yourself with the right customer

Ever miss the days of Yellow Pages? Sure they charged an arm and a leg for a tiny square in a sea of competitors but at least you were all in the same crappy overpriced boat together.

Life was simple back then... nowadays there are soooo many options- online, offline, social media (FacebookTwitter, LinkedIn) SEO, SEM, PPC- the letters and concepts go on and on...

Finally, we talk about who to trust in the online marketing world so you don't waste hundreds or thousands of your hard earned money marketing in the wrong place with the wrong message.


Jan 6, 2016

How to Bid a Commercial Cleaning Job

Once you get the job, you've got it down cold, but knowing how to bid a commercial cleaning job is a little more complex.

Here are some juicy nuggets on how to bid a commercial cleaning job

  • How to do onsite bids
  • When and how to have a budget conversation
  • What to include in a bid
  • The magic phrase to start an onsite conversation
  • How to move from unwanted sales person to valued consultant

Does the idea of going on site to give a bid to for a potentially large contract give you the heebeegeebees? You get there, excited to give a consultation to the "decision maker" and you end up being paired up with Carl from the mail room who gives you a brief tour of the office and bathrooms before rushing you out to the parking lot asking to email your bid to some junk mail email account they set up for unwanted salespeople.

Today, Mike covers 3 crucial steps you should take on every commercial cleaning job bid.

  1. Ground rules -  What they are, how to set them up your prospective client  and how they set the tone for your relationship with your customer and best of all get Carl out of the equation forever.
  2. Getting your customer's Pain - Why it's crucial to your bidding sales process
  3. What to include in your bid package

Learn a step by step process on how to get your prospective customer's real needs by asking a few simple questions and why until you can get that pain from your prospect, you can't really help them. 

Become the answer to your prospective client's problems and not just another vendor to be added to the pile when you bid a commercial cleaning job. Get higher closing percentages and less pain in the butt customers that drive you up the wall.

For more information on what to include in your bid package check out our blog on How to Market a Cleaning Business:

Ready for more? Want to take YOUR Cleaning Business to the NEXT LEVEL?

Check out these amazing FREE Resources to Grow YOUR Cleaning Company…

- Follow us on Twitter for bite sized bits of genius-

- Subscribe to our show on iTunes at

- Join our FREE Facebook group for owners of cleaning companies:


Jan 4, 2016

Sick of bidding and chasing? Sick of “sharpening your pencil”? Sick of lots of bids some months and none others- no control? Think it overs?



In today's podcast we deep dive into what you can do to Get Commercial Cleaning Contracts. 



Jan 4, 2016

Today's episode is the second half of special guest Stephen Coade, founder of AMC Commercial Cleaning. 

Learn how to build a wildly successful cleaning business with experience from a 75 Million dollar commercial cleaning business. 


Jan 1, 2016

Today we are chatting with KayLynn Wessolleck from Buzy Bees Cleaning Company. Buzy Bees Cleaning Company began in May 2014 with just Kaylyn and her husband Andreas. After they were both laid off from their respective jobs and in desperate need for cash. THey came up with a name for the biz (which has changed twice since then) and their target market. THey started primarily in the residential cleaning services (private homes) but have since branched out in all kinds of areas to include: Buildings, Offices, Remote Oilfield Housing, Move-Out, Special Occasion, Vacation Rentals, Window Washing, Carpet Cleaning and even Lawn Care